How To Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick

It’s that time of year again when we say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new year. Millions of us will vow to enter the new year with a list of changes we endeavor to make, yet by February 1st, most of us will have lost momentum on most if not all of our New Year’s Resolutions.
Whether you are looking to lose weight, hit a new financial goal, or find what makes you happy…there’s a few steps you can take to help you make lasting change and finally follow through on all your New Year’s Resolutions.
The Plan
Step 1: Write down your list of resolutions. When you write things down you help your brain put thought into action. The most successful people in the world all make lists and keep some sort of journal. This is because of the positive psychological effects writing down your thoughts has. Making your list of goals/ resolutions will help you form neural pathways that help you to start putting your thoughts into action. It helps your brain prioritize the importance of the changes you want to make.
Keeping a habit journal is extremely helpful!! I still use one to this day! (You can check out my food and habit journal here)
Step 2: Make a plan for reaching your goals. A goal without a plan is just that, a goal. But actual change takes actionable steps, and writing down your list of goals is your first actionable step.
To make a plan you first have to look at the magnitude of your goal. Then work backwards and identify the steps that you will need to make it. In reality each little step will become your goal…leading up to your ultimate desired destination.
Let’s look at weight loss for example. Weight loss is the number 1 new year’s resolution for the population worldwide and it happens to be the area I am well versed in. Not only did I lose 70lbs and keep it off, but now I spend my life helping others do the same. (If you want to know more about my journey and how to start yours, check out my Weight Loss Page that is full of helpful tips and resources.)
So let’s say you are looking to lose 50lbs in the new year. That’s a big goal, and you can do it. But if you focus on the 50lbs when you will only be losing 1-3lbs a week over the course of many months….Your goal quickly starts to feel unachievable and you can become discouraged to the point you just give up. The best way to avoid this New Years Resolution burnout is to break your larger goal down into several smaller more achievable goals that will get you to your ultimate goal.
So your ultimate 50lb weight loss goal will be broke down like this:
Ultimate Goal: Lose 50 lbs
*If I can lose 2 lbs a week, it will take me 6 months total to lose 50lbs
*To lose weight I need to:
- Improve my nutrition
- Find daily movement I enjoy
- Be consistent / be prepared
Month 1 Goals:
- Find a healthy meal plan
- Meal prep every sunday so I can be prepared and ready for the busy week…This is key to helping me be consistent.
- Start incorporating some daily movement ( a 20 minute brisk walk every day)
Break Month 1 down into even smaller goals by the week…
Month 1, Week 1 Goals:
- Prep Meals for the week so I can be consistent and ready for the busy week
- Eat on plan
- Walk for 10 minutes on my lunch break, and another 10 minutes after work before I go home.
*You can check your weight at the end of the week on Sunday morning or wait until the end of the month to see if you lost weight (But I recommend taking your measurements because the scale doesn’t show the differences in water weight based on sodium intake, stress, hormones, or lack of sleep.)
*Each week will look the same for goals but this way you are looking at a weekly goal, not a large goal for the month or an even larger more overwhelming goal for the year.
Month 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 will look the same unless you want to start upping your daily movement goals or trying out new forms of movement. You can also add “getting enough sleep” to your weekly goals.
If you find that you are struggling to be successful even on a weekly basis, then break your goals down further. Maybe only tackle a healthy breakfast in week one. Once that is easy, start having a healthy lunch each day as well and so on. Break it down to as manageable of steps as you need to.
Sit With Self Compassion
Step 3: Review your list every morning and every evening. This is a very important and often overlooked step to achieving any future goals. Each morning before you start your day, take a look at your list and read it aloud to yourself. By doing this you are setting your intentions for the day. This helps your brain reinforce the new neural pathways you are trying to build around these new habits and changes. And while you are at it….add an affirmation or two to your list to repeat to yourself every morning. Say something like “I am a gorgeous and intelligent, healthy eater who loves finding time each day for a brisk walk.”
Repeat this at the end of each day before you go to bed to reinforce those new neural pathways you are trying to build around your new habits. This whole process helps your brain build an identity around you as a healthy individual who likes to eat well, exercise, and get adequate rest.
Celebrate The Small Wins
Step 4: Celebrate the small wins. Celebrating all the small wins you have in a day is a very powerful tool to help you build lasting habits that will help you reach your goals and be successful long term. There is so much neuroscience around this very easy and seemingly silly action. Researchers have found that when individuals audibly celebrate themselves for little jobs well done, it increases the participants’ sense of joy and peace, as well as reduces their overall sense of stress.
How to celebrate the small wins….
As silly as it sounds…all you have to do is audibly celebrate yourself in the area you are trying to change or better. If you are used to eating a donut for breakfast and now you are trying to eat a healthy more balanced one….Celebrate yourself after you enjoy your green smoothie and piece of sprouted grain toast! Say to yourself “woohooo! I am awesome! I ate a healthy breakfast that is going to nourish my body!!” and then get on with your day. It’s that simple. If you manage to take a 10 minute walk…Tell yourself how amazing you are that you just took a 10 minute walk! It really makes a difference and helps you build a new identity as a healthy active individual.
Be Kind To Yourself And Have Fun!
Step 5: Be Kind To Yourself and Have Fun! Don’t take it all too seriously! Remember to be kind and patient with yourself. Successful change takes time when done correctly. Don’t beat yourself up for slipping up somewhere or missing a day….just refocus and keep heading in the direction of your goals. You can do it!! Have fun and enjoy the process! You deserve vibrant health and a life full of peace and joy! I’m sending you all my love and best wishes for this new year.
P.S. Check out my cookbooks and meal plans to help you along your journey…

I’m a momma of two beautiful and adventurous kids, and a wife to an amazing and supportive man. I’ve always been a nutrition conscious, nature loving soul. Finding my way to a whole food plant-based lifestyle has been the full expression of who I am.
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I’m a momma of two beautiful and adventurous kids, and a wife to an amazing and supportive man. I’ve always been a nutrition conscious, nature loving soul. Finding my way to a whole food plant-based lifestyle has been the full expression of who I am.
This is so helpful, thank you.
I’ve shared this on my FB page in the hopes that someone will join me on my journey.
Thank you! I am excited to begin this journey. I love your spirit and your honest interest in helping others with their journey as well.
Great plan! I love the advice to celebrate the small wins —so important to enjoy the process and to feel good about what you’re doing. I also love the cute tan lines on your feet! ?