Cashew Sour Cream

Kid Friendly | Plant-Based Recipes | Sauces/Dressings

I’m Kiki

Welcome to my Plantiful Life.

I’m a momma of two beautiful and adventurous kids, and a wife to an amazing and supportive man. I’ve always been a nutrition conscious, nature loving soul. Finding my way to a whole food plant-based lifestyle has been the full expression of who I am.

Plantifully Lean – Expanded Edition

I’m Kiki

Welcome to my Plantiful Life.

I’m a momma of two beautiful and adventurous kids, and a wife to an amazing and supportive man. I’ve always been a nutrition conscious, nature loving soul. Finding my way to a whole food plant-based lifestyle has been the full expression of who I am.

Plantifull Lean – Expanded Edition
2024-06-04T10:45:30-06:00January 27, 2021|


  1. Masa Cakes | Plantiful Kiki January 27, 2021 at 2:04 pm - Reply

    […] Cashew Sour Cream  […]

  2. Rebecca Alvarenga February 2, 2021 at 9:05 am - Reply

    I’m fairly new to a vegan lifestyle. I’ve read recipes on using raw cashews to make cashew cream but haven’t tried making it yet. Do you use raw cashews in your recipe. If so,where do you you purchase them. Thanks for your help!

    • Janet Jones February 6, 2021 at 10:58 am - Reply

      Yes, use raw cashews. I buy mine at Trader Joe’s, but if you don’t have a TJs close by you can usually find them in the bulk bin at grocery stores. Buy the ones in pieces, they are cheaper than whole nuts. As a last resort you can get them on Amazon.

  3. Layla February 5, 2021 at 7:26 pm - Reply

    I have gotten them at Wal-Mart.

  4. Tara February 16, 2021 at 10:16 am - Reply

    Any recommendations if you cannot use cashews?

  5. Michele Lanthier February 22, 2021 at 6:40 am - Reply

    OMG!! First time making this and it is incredible ☺️ The flavor is amazing! What do you put it on?

  6. […] with whatever you like on your tacos! If you’re looking for even more creaminess, try this vegan sour cream recipe made from whole […]

  7. gary August 25, 2021 at 9:36 am - Reply

    Hi…it seems like a lot of fat for the cashews right? Aren’t they like 42% fat by volume…just asking about this for maximum weight loss.

  8. Kate September 26, 2021 at 8:31 am - Reply

    To make sour cream soak cashew over night. In the morning strani and wash them
    Put cashew in a blender with probiotic capsule and then put it in a glass containers put the lid on top and ferment. It makes Amazing sour cream very similar to cow sour cream but without bad smell of cows milk

    • Laura January 4, 2022 at 5:22 pm - Reply

      Hi Kate, How long do you ferment it for?

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